About Us

Store Information

Aggie Reuse is located inside the Memorial Union in Room 154 (next to the Information Desk on the first floor)

  • Winter Quarter 2025 hours
    • Monday - Friday 10 am - 5 pm
    • Closed - University Holidays 
      • Finals Week - 3/17-3/31
      • Spring Break - 3/24-3/28

Waste Diversion

We aim to divert materials from the landfill and redistribute them at a low cost to the community. This is one way we contribute towards UC Davis’ waste reduction efforts and “green” campus identity. Since Aggie Reuse was founded 8,100 lbs of waste have been diverted from landfills. 

Environmental Advocacy

We host workshops to educate students and the UC Davis community about environmental issues, such as sustainability, compost, and the eventual goal of zero-waste. We hope to simultaneously help our community take steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

Creative Reuse

Student employees, volunteers, and interns create DIY crafts and upcycling projects using the materials from our waste diversion efforts.